The Freelance HER 100 team wanted to share some resources to support you, your teams and other founders in these trying times. If you have any questions about what to be doing or help you are eligible for please contact our team to discuss. The top priority at this time is safety, both for you, your families and loved ones and the wider cohort/ our stakeholders. Until such time as we are recommended by the powers that be, the Freelance HER 100 programme will continue online with minor alterations in operational design. We will continue to discuss the situation as it evolves.

Government Startup Support Updates

Coronavirus diaries: tech industry daily updates - Tech Nation

Resources & Tools

Coronavirus resources for SMEs | Beauhurst

Extra Links

Coronavirus support for businesses - Homepage | GC Business Growth Hub

Businesses and employers


An entrepreneur's guide to startups battling COVID-19

The working from home guide - brought to you by Sifted readers | Sifted